Thanks for declaring.
We’ll review your declaration and be in touch to confirm when you are added to the site.
As soon as you are ready (and within 12 months of now) please also send your full Climate Action Plan to
Now it’s time to spread the word and inspire others to follow your lead.
Twitter: @TourismDeclares | Facebook: Tourism Declares
If you wish to do any social posts about your declaration, please include @tourismdeclares and use the hashtags #ClimateEmergency and #tourismdeclares.
We encourage you to weave your declaration into your PR and communications efforts as you see fit. Tourism Declares is here to connect, co-ordinate, support, catalyse and amplify the voices of signatories - not to replace them.
To make this a truly industry-wide movement, we're asking all signatories to update their partners and supply chain as well as other close contacts, and to encourage them to also declare. As they sign, we will encourage them to talk with their contacts too.